About the Founder
In June 2006, I survived an adverse event in a hospital while giving birth to my daughter. In the weeks that followed my condition continued to deteriorate. A lack of accessibility and accountability in the Canadian health care system forced me to become my own patient advocate. Thanks to the internet, I was able to find information and out-of-country options for a timely medical assessment of my condition.
I am lucky and grateful to be alive. As a patient I have experienced first hand the power of the internet for health information and the importance of being your own medical advocate. My years of searching for answers concerning accessiblity and accountability in the health care system have led me to other patients at the same crossroads. Individual patient voices are being lost in the mayhem that has become the Canadian health care system.
Through my conversations with other patients, I realized the need for an independent source to provide information about our health care system. In 2009, I started The Patient Factor website to improve the lives of patients by educating, engaging and empowering them on their health care journey.
At some point in our lives each of us will assume the role of “patient”. The increasing demands on our health care system and the drive for more patient-focused health care will increase patients’ need to become more informed about the system and better prepared for making health care decisions. In my search for answers I’ve learned that people want to be more involved in decisions affecting our health care system and subsequently their own health care journey. They just need a place for their voice to be heard.
I invite you to share your views, experiences and ideas for change. Visit us often and let us hear your voice!
Keep in touch,
Heather Chapman