Fear Less in Canadian Health Care

What is preventing the necessary changes for improving the Canadian health care system? It is fear. Patients are afraid to speak out for fear of being denied access to care. Health care providers fear losing their jobs or being professionally ostracized. Health care policy-makers and decision-makers are afraid of losing their political power. This fear has been instilled in us and continues to be taught to us. It has convinced us that any changes to Canadian Medicare would be unpatriotic, a disservice to its greatest proponent Tommy Douglas and detrimental to us all. It is this fear that keeps us silent; prevents us from communicating and building the trust and collaboration required to drive the necessary changes for improving our health care system.

Tommy Douglas was undoubtedly “a man of his time”. A man who stood up for his beliefs and was committed to making a difference in the lives of citizens in the country he loved. For this he is deserving of our respect and admiration. But time moves us forward and we must keep in step, embracing change along the way. For let us remember that if ideas were left unrefined you would be unable to read this message.

Are you ready to talk? We are listening.

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